
‘왕의시(御製詩)’ 가이드북-Guidebook for the Kings’ Poetry-8

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어제 효사묘에 나아가 어머님께 절하고


술잔 올리다 눈물 쏟아져 자리를 적셨다.


간절한 그리움 끝이 없으니


혼령도 응당 내 마음 아셨으리.




Yesterday I went to Hyosamyo and bowed to my mother.


I woke up with a pouring of tears.


There is no end of a longing nostalgia.


My mother's spirit would have known my sorrowful heart toward her.






제목 : 所懷(소회 : 마음속 회포)


작자 : 연산군


해설 : 재위 8(1502) 되던 해에 어머니 윤씨의 사묘(私廟)효사묘(孝思廟)에 참배하고 쓴 시이다. 걷잡을 수 없는 눈물을 흘리며 술잔을 올리는 모습이 눈에 선하게 묘사되어 있다. 시 때문에 그에 대한 평가가 달라질 수는 없겠지만, 연산군의 시적 재능은 뛰어났던 것으로 평가되고 있다. 3구의 ‘迫()’은 다른 문헌에 ‘追()’로 적혀 전하기도 한다. ‘迫’은 ‘절박함’을 뜻하고 ‘追’는 ‘그리움’을 뜻한다.




Title : One's Thoughts


Author : Yeonsan Gun, the 10th King of Joseon Kingdom (1494~1506).




Commentary : This poem was written in the eight year of his reign (1502), when the King visited and paid his reverence at his Mother the Queen Yoon's tomb, that is, the Temple of Hyosamyo. It is portrayed his deepest sorrow that shedding uncontrollable tear, the King offered His cup of glass to his Mother Queen Yoon.   Although he received many criticisms from the tyranny of his reign, his poetic sense is excellent. In the third verse, '' is written in another document as ‘'. This is to say that '' means 'imminent' or 'yearning', while ‘' means 'longing'.



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